Welcome to community radio in the upper rio grande region
KRZA is dedicated to maintaining its role as a connecting force in the community. We honor and preserve our Hispanic heritage and recognize the changing demographics that form the listenership of today. We serve our audience through quality programming that; entertains, provides information, and furthers the discussion of peace, social justice, the environment and intercultural sharing.
Connecting cultures along the Upper Rio Grande.
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Simply call 1-866-789-8627 and they will guide you through the process. Let them know you would like your donation to go to Equal Representation of Media Advocacy Corporation dba KRZA
September 23, 2024 Attention listeners and supporters! KRZA will be holding its Fall Fund Drive from October 2nd to the 12th. We have already sent out early bird forms but if you have not received one yet, please request one as soon as possible. Remember, you don’t need an early bird form to make a donation. You can make one anytime by calling 719-589-8844, mailing it to 528 9th Street in Alamosa, or going to our website KRZA.org and making a PayPal donation. The money raised will help us get along for the next 6 months as well as help us get matching funds from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We appreciate any and all help we receive. Thank You!
September 3, 2024 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
August 2, 2024 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
July 1, 2024 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, July 18, 2024 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
June 4, 2024 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
May 1, 2024 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
April 12, 2024 Spring Fund Drive Update KRZA's Board of Directors and Staff would like to thank everyone who contributed to the station during our Spring Fund Drive. Thanks to you we were able to raise $16,500 of our $25,000 goal. We will be working on ways to make up the difference but if you would still like to donate simply call the station at 719-589-8844, mail it to 528 9th Street in Alamosa, CO 81101, or go to www.krza.org and make a PayPal donation. We appreciate all the support everyone has given us over the years and we look forward to serving the community for as long as possible. Thank you all!
April 5, 2024 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, April 19, 2024 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
March 31, 2024 Spring Fund Drive: March 31-April 6, 2024 KRZA's Spring Fund Drive has now begun! Your donation is even more important this year because of the inflation on everything. The station has made it through many obstacles over the years and still continues to stay on the air thanks to supporters like you. Please consider making a larger donation this year or becoming a monthly sustaining member. Our goal is $25,000 and it is more important than ever to reach that goal for the station. At this point we already made budget cuts on programming but we don't want to make any more. So if you would like to help simply call the station at 719-589-8844 and make a donation, mail it to 528 9th Street in Alamosa, CO 81101, or go to www.krza.org and make a PayPal donation. We appreciate all the support everyone has given over the years and we look forward to serving the community for as long as possible. Thank you all!
March 4, 2024 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
February 2, 2024 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
February 29, 2024 Signal problems We have been experiencing signal problems since the morning of 2/28. Efforts are underway to fix the problem. Our G.M., Gerald is headed up San Antonio Mountain this morning. We are hoping for a simple problem with a simple fix. We will keep you updated.
January 3, 2024 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
December 5, 2023 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
November 3, 2023 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
October 10, 2023 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
September 3, 2023 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
August 4, 2023 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, August 17, 2023 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
July 3, 2023 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will not hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. Due to lack of quorum we had to cancel this month. If you have further questions please call the General Manager at 719-589-8844 or email [email protected]
June 1, 2023 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
May 1, 2023 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
April 10, 2022 Spring Fund Drive Update: KRZA's Spring Fund Drive has ended and we were able to raise a total of $14,108. You can always donate by calling the station at 719-589-8844, mailing a check or money order to 528 9th Street in Alamosa, CO 81101, or going to www.krza.org and making a PayPal donation. We appreciate all the support everyone has given over the years and we look forward to serving the community for as long as possible. Thank you all!
April 2, 2022 Spring Fund Drive Update: KRZA's Spring Fund Drive has is underway! It is day two and we have raised a total of $6,258. Your donation is even more important this year. Please consider making a larger donation this time around or becoming a sustaining member. Our goal is $25,000 and we must reach that goal to be able to cover costs the next few months. At this point we already have to make budget cuts on programming but don't want to make any more. So if you would like to help simply call the station at 719-589-8844 and make a donation, mail a check or money order to 528 9th Street in Alamosa, CO 81101, or go to www.krza.org and make a PayPal donation. We appreciate all the support everyone has given over the years and we look forward to serving the community for as long as possible. Thank you all!
April 1, 2022 Spring Fund Drive: April 1-7, 2023 KRZA's Spring Fund Drive has now begun! Your donation is even more important this year because of the inflation on everything. The station has made it through many obstacles over the years and still continues to stay on the air thanks to supporters like you. We will be back on the air in New Mexico really soon but we need your financial support to make it happen. We have already purchased and received our new equipment but we now have to make up for those lost funds. Please consider making a larger donation this year or becoming a monthly sustaining member. Our goal is $25,000 and it is more important than ever to reach that goal for the station. At this point we already have to make budget cuts on programming but we don't want to make any more. So if you would like to help simply call the station at 719-589-8844 and make a donation, mail it to 528 9th Street in Alamosa, CO 81101, or go to www.krza.org and make a PayPal donation. We appreciate all the support everyone has given over the years and we look forward to serving the community for as long as possible. Thank you all!
April 1, 2023 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
March 27, 2022 Spring Fund Drive: April 1-7, 2023 Attention Listeners! KRZA has already mailed out early birds for the Spring Fund Drive but if you haven’t received one by now please let us know so we can get you one immediately. Remember, if you haven’t become a sustaining member before you can always do so by requesting an early bird form and getting it to the station before the 1rst of the month. Early bird forms can be obtained at the KRZA office on 528 9th Street, or just call 719-589-8844 and request one. Help KRZA get an early start to reaching its fund drive goal
March 27, 2023 KRZA Signal Update Attention KRZA listeners and supporters; We have now received the new equipment to get back on the air but we now face a new challenge. Due to the slew of recent storms on the San Antonio Mountain we are unable to reach our tower site. We will have to wait for the snow to melt before we can make the trip. We apologize for the inconvenience but we will be back on the air as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we deal with these technical issues. If you would like to help the station, and ensure that community radio continues to weather future storms of all kinds, please consider donating through the PayPal button on our website, KRZA.org, by calling the station at 719-589-8844, or by mailing your support to 528 9th St. Alamosa CO 81101.
March 14, 2023 Problem Diagnosed, Parts on Order Attention KRZA listeners and supporters; As you may have heard or noticed, KRZA has been experiencing signal problems since wind and weather damage occurred on Feb 28th, 2023. On Tues, March 14th, KRZA’s manager was finally able to reach the tower site, diagnose the exact problem, and assess the extent of the damage. The replacement parts are on order, and should arrive next week. We are hoping to have these problems fixed, and our signal returned to full strength before April, and the start of our Spring Fund Drive. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we deal with these technical issues. If you would like to help the station, and ensure that community radio continues to weather future storms of all kinds, please consider donating through the PayPal button on our website, KRZA.org, by calling the station at 719-589-8844, or by mailing your support to 528 9th St. Alamosa CO 81101.
March 1, 2023 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
February 3, 2023 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, will hold their Regular Business Meeting on Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
KRZA Board Meetings are open to the public.
January 19, 2023 Announcement of Public Meeting The Board of Directors of Equal Representation of Media Advocacy (ERMAC), dba KRZA FM Community Radio, had to cancel their Regular Business Meeting scheduled for Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 5:30PM, at the KRZA office, 528 9th Street in Alamosa, Colorado. The Agenda for this meeting is available on our website and at the KRZA office to anyone who wishes a copy. Minutes of the previous month’s business meeting will be available at this meeting, and after approval of the Board, on the KRZA website, by mail by request, and at the KRZA office in Alamosa, Colorado.
The KRZA Board of Directors meeting will continue next month on February 16, 2023 at 5:30pm